My comments are in Italics, like this.
Howie's dream girl (spoken by him) "Must have a tail and
two pointy ears....and she must have a purrrfect body,"
A teeny bopper has become dissapointed.
Howie is going out with a gay girl named Lisa who used to be a man.
I thought he wanted someone that looked like a cat not a guy!
Brian has a Canadian boyfriend named Tristan. ARGH Brian! Don't you start!
Kevin is dating a 97 year old man.
"Listen Sonny...I ain't goin' out with Kevin Richardson, I wish I was. A 97 year old man gets lonely," Spoken by da old guy...
Marissa slapped A.J. across the face so they broke up and now she is
dating Kevin.Nah. Kevvy is really going out with da old guy. Me and AJ are going out :o)
A.J. is a father to 13 daughters and 7 sons.AJ, tsk tsk. I never realized...
Geri (former Spice) is carrying Brian's child.Wait 'til you see the baby! ACK!
Kevin has a set of three year old twin boys.That means the old guy is a gal! How can you be so old and give birth?
Kevin is married with 2 children.The old guy's offspring.
Nick is really 35 with 3 kids and a wife.How does he hide the aging? And the growth?
Nick is dating a 17 year old belly dancer named Alice from
Maryland.She is kinda young for the 35 year old! She had kids!
Brian has a secret getaway where he makes love to farm
animals.Tristan is dying from Mad Cow Disease.
Kevin got kicked out of the group because he didn't want to
make love to Howie.He made love to da old guy instead.
Howie is being kicked out of the group for sleeping with Bill
Clinton and his pet cat Cookie.I thought the cat's name was Socks? Is Cookie Howie's pet name for it? Get it?
Lou Pearlman was caught in the bedroom with Nick and
Brian was in a coma after Howie flashed him outside of the
Howie put 4 kids in a coma after revealling his 3rd nipple.Like I said.
A generation of cats live in Howies hair.They come out for loving.
AJ was attacked by angry alley cats.Yes. By the ones in Howie's wild hair. They were in concert and one came out of Howie's head and attacked.
BSB were kicked out of Disney World beacuse Howie wore
AJ had paints on his facial hair.What else should he use???
Howie is seriously thinking about shaving his head and
During "QPG" the guys thought that they were in a space
Brian has been seen in Victoria Secrets buying womens bras.For Tristan and the farm animals, and of course, for private use.
Howie got mad at the girl in "Everybody",who's in the red
When AJ gets bored in the hotel he throws fruit out the
When the BSB are in hotel,they go around pretending to
Every time A.J. sees himself in the mirror he waves and says
AJ has a girlfriend---TRUE As much as I hate that rumor it's true
AJ got in a physical fight with Nick---True and kicked some serious butt.
Thanks to my cousin and best friend Mandy for the funny little comments!
AJ. Kevin saw this and went to Brian for support. Both
Skydome Jan 3rd.Who hasn't gone in a coma from that???
only underwear on his head on stage in front of the private
performance for construction workers.The construction workers are in a coma after being flashed by underwear man.
becoming the next Dennis Rodman.You do that Howie, you do that.
ship and could fly to the moon.It was a space ship!...Wasn't it?
dress, for not going out with him,so he took the Vampire
thing a little too far and bit her! She's still in intensive care
units!Tysooooon! How could ya? How dare ya? You are a bad influence! Bad Bad Bad!
window, and Nick has been heard to join him on many of
these occasions---true.A lovely fruit salad for the poor people below.
hold guns, singing the theme to "Mission
Impossible"One question, why? Wouldn't they get mobbed?
"'Hi' to A.J.!"This actually sounds cute!
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